Medianizer is the way to keep your collection of movies, music albums, games and books in perfect order.
Manage all your video, audio and e-book files, CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, paper books, and more in one program! Download covers, photos, descriptions, cast & crew, information about authors, discogrpahies, bibliographies, filmographies, and other details from a number of supported sites! Easily sort your collection in many ways, apply various filters to select items by certain properties, play movies / music and read books directly from the program.
Medianizer stands for media organizer. The software includes features of a movie organizer, a music organizer, a game organizer, and a book organizer.
- Scan your disks for all supported files, including videos, music, audio books, e-books.
- Add movies and TV series by title, barcode, from DVD / Blu-ray, from files and folders.
- Add music albums by title, barcode, from Audio CD, from files and folders.
- Add books by title, ISBN or barcode, audio books from files, e-books from files.
- Download information about movies, music albums, books from the internet.
- Download biographies, filmographies, discographies, bibliographies of actors, directors, artists, authors, and other people.
- Use different information sources, download information in your language. Adjust download settings to get the details you need.
- Sort the main list in many ways.
- Create your own custom fields and lists.
- Add your own details, comments, edit existing information.
- View the main list as a tree, as a detailed list, or as covers.
- In the tree view, sort and filter your items easily. Add your own sorting rules, re-arrange or delete the pre-installed ones.
- Print and export information about your collection using reports. Medianizer includes an easy-to-use report builder, which allows to create new templates containing the required information in a few clicks.
- Create illustrated movie and music catalogs for your Dune HD media player.
- Create covers for Popcorn Hour A-400.
- Create covers for WD TV and Google TV players.
- Use the power of extended filters to select items and sort the main list of movies / music / books.
- View general information about your collection in the statistics window.
- Protect your database with a password.
- Create backup copies of your database to keep the information safe. Restore from a backup, when you move to a different computer, or after system crashes.
- Search for items from your collection by specifying various properties.
- Import your movie lists from popular sites like IMDb.
- Easily find and download covers, photos, backdrops, and other pictures.
- Work with multiple items (update, delete, etc.) in Group Operations.
- Manage different editions of the same movie / book / album.
- Customize information output in the interface settings.
- Copy books to your e-reader device directly from Medianizer.
- Use the built-in or any external video / audio player to play your videos / music from the catalog.
- Enter a few letters into the quick search field to find the item you are looking for instantly.
- Apply quick filters to the main list.
- Easily search for any selected phrase on Google.
- Flag items as seen, wanted, for sale, etc. Quickly build lists (like wish lists) according to these flags.
- Rate your items or use downloaded ratings.
- Import existing collections from other movie / music / book organizer programs.
- Find even more power in plugins.
- Customize behavior of Medianizer in the "Options" window.
- Use several databases and easily switch between them.
Explore the world of movies, music, books and games with Medianizer!
Oh Boy it's a wonderful program. I'm really going to enjoy using it. You and your friends really did a great job when you all wrote those programs. You're all very gifted programmers and I Thank You all very much for doing such a great job. I'm going to be telling all my friends (book and movie ones) what fantastic programs I found to keep track of all our movies and books and they better hurry and get them too. For there are no better or easier ones around.
Ms Pamela Wissink
- Organize your movies, books, games, and music in a single program.
- Download information from the internet, including discographies, filmographies, bibliographies.
- Sort and search your collection in any way you like.
- Export and print colorful reports.
- Create illustrated movie and music catalogs for hardware media players like Dune HD.